About Us
Our Staff
Questions you may have...
How do people dress on Sunday Mornings?
Dress is formal to casual; you are free to dress in a manner that allows you to be comfortable. However, we do ask that you determine to be modest in your attire.
Will I be recognized in the service?
Our pastor normally welcomes our guests from the stage and we have a time of fellowship where our church family will welcome you. We will attempt to allow you to feel as comfortable as possible.
How are your Sunday School (small group) classes divided?
BSBC has both couples' classes and gender-based classes ranging through all ages.
How will I find my Sunday School (small group) class?
Greeters at each entrance will be available to help you find a Sunday School class in which you will be most comfortable.
Will I be asked to pray in a Sunday School (small group) class?
No, our Sunday school teachers strive to never place any undue pressure on anyone.
Do you have anything for my children?
BSBC offers a Sunday School class for all ages. In addition, we offer children's worship for ages 3-10. This takes place in conjunction with our AM worship service.
Is there a nursery provided?
Yes, a nursery is provided for children, birth to 2 years old.
What type of preaching can I expect?
Our Pastor primarily is an expository (verse by verse) preacher/teacher. He normally preaches/teaches through a book of the Bible or through mini series. Each week he makes personal application for each person who attends.
What Bible translation does your pastor use?
Our pastors primarily preach/teach from the English Standard Version.
What type of music can I expect?
BSBC primarily sings traditional hymns. However, it is not uncommon for a soloist to sing anything from bluegrass to contemporary Christian.
How long are your Sunday Services?
Sunday School (small group) is from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM with Worship beginning at 10:45 AM and ending around 11:45 AM.
What does the church believe?
BSBC is in full agreement with the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
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